Essay 1: Music Culture in America

When in the course of human events, as societies change and grow as American citizens, the changes in music have risen as a result. Upon asking a stranger, no matter where in the world, usually they would describe American music as Rock and Roll, Jazz, Metal, Rap, and Pop music. Why is that the case?

Some would say it is because of notable musicians and artists like Tupac, Louis Armstrong, Justin Bieber, BeyoncĂ©, and Weird Al just to name a few. It is true that these people have revolutionized, popularized the genre of their music, but the true roots stem back to the blues from African-Americans that were predominantly slaves during the 1800s. Historically, blues originated first from the workers on the plantations in the south, picking up hymns and expressing their struggles and pain as a slave working without fairness and proper treatment from their masters. With this and the spiritual songs, chants, and rhythmic storytelling being blended with the African-American suffering, the genre of “blues” music had grown to inspire jazz music,.
